Author spotlight

Anita Hendrieka

Anita Hendrieka has been a freelance writer, full-time blogger and traveller since 2011. Her focus is to push people out of their comfort zone and encourage them to travel the world to learn and experience other cultures and destinations. She’s originally from New Zealand but these days you can find her unearthing the secrets of Albania.
42 thoughts everyone from the South Island has every time they visit the North Island
New Zealand may just be one little country on the map, but the two islands do have some major differences....
6 hidden bars and restaurants in Wellington only locals know about
There’s always something happening in the capital, and one of the biggest events of the year is WOW (World...
42 thoughts everyone from the North Island has every time they visit the South Island
We might all belong to the same country, but New Zealand’s North and South Islands can feel worlds apart...
Things I wish I knew before visiting India
India can be a complex destination to any kind of traveller. It’s a place where your senses go absolutely...