
New Zealand might be undergoing a craft-beer bonanza with breweries such as Emersons Brewery in Dunedin, DB Draught Brewery in Timaru and Wigram Brewing Company in Christchurch scooping awards for their beers.

Over the next decade, demand for Kiwi brews is expected to triple, particularly from China, the US and Europe. We all know how to order a beer in our favourite bar but going overseas might be a different story.

Beer is the ultimate democratic drink, cheap and on sale in most countries around the world.

The only barrier to ordering a cold one might be the language.

That’s why we’ve created this infographic – to help you order a beer in the local language in 22 countries around the world.

You’ll note that we don’t list Australia or the UK. Asking for a beer in those countries is child’s play. If you’re going on holiday to Fiji, say “Bia, vinaka” (Bee-ah, vee-naka) in Samoa it’s Aumai sau pia, fa’afetai (pronounced: Au-ma-i sa-u pee-ya fa-a-fee-ta-i) and in Germany Ein Bier, bitte (say: Ine beer, bitt-uh). We’ve covered the basics for buying a beer in 19 other countries.

If you are overseas and keen to taste a different version of your usual beer a few rules apply.

  • Know how much you should tip, to avoid offending your waiter or waitress.
  • Don’t let your guard down too much and avoid getting wasted.
  • Don’t take all your gear to the pub; have just the bare necessities and stow the rest of your belongings in the hotel safe.
  • If you’re travelling in a group get one person to be the (slightly more) responsible one who sticks to soft drinks and can guide the rest of you safely back to your accommodation.
  • Never leave your beer unattended.

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(Feature image: Chelsea Marie Hicks)

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About the author

Oonagh ShielContent Manager at Cheapflights whose travel life can be best summed up as BC (before children) and PC (post children). We only travel during the school holidays so short-haul trips and staycations are our specialities!

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