Search for a cheap flight using Cheapflights Chat to win

We just launched a new flight search service in Facebook Messenger. To celebrate we’re offering you the chance to win a trip to your dream destination.

Cheapflights Chat uses the latest technology from Facebook mixed with our flight search to let you find flights and hotels in your Messenger app.

To Win all you have to do is search for a flight in Facebook Messenger.

What do you win?

Two return flights to your dream destination up to a combined value of $5,150.

How to win:

  1. Search for a flight using Cheapflights Chat. Click this link to start.
  2. Once you’ve done your first search tap ‘Accept Ts&Cs’ to enter

Read the Ts&Cs here.

To see the search in action, here’s a video of a totally fictitious character called John Snow searching for a cheap flight in Messenger. Take it away John…